September is PCOS awareness month! This time I’m writing about orgasm! Yes, you read it right! Frequent orgasm for women is highly recommended and do you know that orgasm is great for hormonal imbalance too?
Orgasm for women has been ignored and some say it’s taboo to even talk about it. Especially among Asian women! How sad is that? We truly need equality in this topic!
Plenty of women doesn’t even experience orgasm with their partners. Perhaps, is it hard for men to figure out the G-spot? Or we feel weird to have it?
I have asked my cousins and friends. Most of them said they never experienced an orgasm with their partners or by solo. There are plenty of health benefits of orgasm that women should know! Let’s go into it:
Orgasm improves and increases circulation to organs in the pelvic cavity, growing healthy tissues, delivering nutrients that we consume to where it belongs, and regulating your menstrual cycle. This is important for PCOS women as many of us have difficulty regulating our menstrual cycle.
Based on research, women who have intercourse at least once a week are more likely to have a normal menstrual cycle than women who are celibate or who have infrequent sex.
Women! Orgasm boosts fertility! It also increases a sense of wellness by energizing your hypothalamus gland, which regulates appetite, body temperature, emotions, and the pituitary gland, which then turn regulates the release of reproductive hormones that induce ovulation and cervical fluid.
Our diet plays a big role but apparently, orgasm also provides overall lymphatic massage. It helps your body’s natural detoxification process to improve digestion and help prevent cancer. How cool is that?
We need a daily dose of calcium and vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis, and frequent orgasm promotes healthy estrogen levels to keep vaginal tissues supple. Not only that it can protect us against osteoporosis but also prevent us from heart disease. That’s amazing!
Orgasms release more prolactin, a hormone implicated in sleep. Orgasm induces deep relaxation by boosting endorphin levels and flushing cortisol (an inflammatory hormone released by the adrenal glands) out of the body.
Better sleep has also been linked to orgasm. Perhaps, an orgasm before sleep will be on our night routine?
What’s DHEA? DHEA is Dehydroepiandrosterone, also known as androstenolone, which is an endogenous steroid hormone precursor.
It is one of the most abundant circulating steroids in humans. Orgasm spikes DHEA levels in the body. DHEA hormone improves brain function, balances the immune system, helps maintain and repair tissue, and promotes healthy skin!
Women spent a lot investing in skincare and makeup. As mentioned above with increased DHEA for healthy skin. Do you know you can get healthy glowing skin from orgasm? This is mind-blowing! The estrogen and extra blood flow boost collagen production for our skin. Studies show making love three times a week in a stress-free relationship can make you look 10 years younger.
Based on recent research, orgasm also boosts infection-fighting cells up to 20%. It helps fight colds and flu! How cool is that? Should we have more orgasm during this pandemic? A solo orgasm is highly recommended for single ladies!
The neurotransmitters released during orgasm help dull pain such as headache, period pain, and migraine. (this is a bonus when preparing for childbirth!) Most of the women who deal with PCOS will also have period cramps and pain before and during the period. It’s nice to know that we can reduce the pain from having an orgasm!
Orgasm decreases cortisol; our primary stress hormone. Decreasing cortisol helps our stress tolerance as well as helps our sex hormones stay balanced. With the decrease of cortisol, it increases levels of the hormone oxytocin, which is linked to passion, intuition, and social skills—the hormone of bonding and success! Ultimately, most woman who has regular orgasms will have more self-confidence.
The Difference of Orgasm for Women and for Men
Orgasm frequency may have a gender difference when it comes to health benefits. Women benefit from the number of orgasms they have, the more the merrier, whereas based on new research suggests that men should engage in plenty of sex while saving their ejaculations for fortnightly. I am not sure about this, I thought men would have blue balls? Leave a comment to let me know!
Surprisingly, men perform better in other areas of their life such as; business, creativity, productivity, sport, and physical performance when they are having fewer ejaculations.
The opposite of women. Some evidence reveals that female orgasm unlocks an altered state of consciousness. The more orgasm women have, the more productive and confident she would be! How fascinating is that?
How to have more orgasm?
Know your body would be the number one rule. Talk to your partner about things you enjoy and you like to do in bed. Good communication with your partner to have mutual satisfaction and orgasms will give you more connection and bonding time together.
Single? No worries! In this case, there are plenty of adult toys in the market or you can try to improvise by using your finger. This is the best time for you to explore your own body and figure out any sensual part to pleasure yourself.
To sum up, don’t be shy to talk about orgasm with your partner or friends. We have the right to have a big O! Especially when it has so many of the health benefits for women!
This article is based on Floliving