No, I am not talking about those ‘goals’ you should have such as a car, a husband, kids, apartment, or house. Because everyone has different timelines in life. So, I am simply talking about the basic daily things in life that you should have, learned, upgraded by the time you’re turning 30. It’s the official ‘adulthood’ thing by upgrading what we had in our 20s. Here are the things to have by the time you’re 30 (not in any typical order):
1. Good Quality Leather Bag
It doesn’t have to branded designer bag that will cost you thousands of dollars. When I was 25, a good friend of mine (Hey, Eunji!) told me that I should own a good quality leather bag for job interviews and social gatherings. Just to be presentable and be a chic lady. A good quality leather bag is definitely an investment. It will last longer and my tip is to choose a timeless model and colour, and of course according to your budget. The first bag I purchased was Michael Kors Sutton Edition at A$460. Definitely didn’t break my bank and I still have it to this day (although I rarely used it).
2. Health Insurance
Some countries has good healthcare that is provided by the government. But, in most third-world countries such as Indonesia. Not everyone is eligible for their government’s public healthcare. So, it’s good to apply and have a private health insurance that will help us with ease once we need it.
3. Good Quality Bedding
Yes, I said this over and over again in my blog. Things to have by the time you’re 30 is good quality bedding. It includes a firm mattress that won’t hurt your back for the long period, a high-quality pillow for better sleep, a proper bedhead and frame (please don’t put your mattress on the floor), and high-end bed sheets. It’s definitely an investment to have for our posture, quality sleep, skin, and mental health.
4. The Right Shoes for Every Occasion
By 30, we should know which shoes go with what outfits and each occasion. Shoes for work, which type of sandals or heels for a beach and garden party, statement heels for a night out, and elegant chic heels for date night. To avoid getting way too many shoes and clutter in your space, choose neutral colours and comfortable. Don’t follow unnecessary trends as you will soon be bored with the style.
5. Little Black Dress
Or any colour you like! We all have the go-to dress to wear whenever any occasion suddenly comes up. Whether it’s a cocktail dress, summer dress, and an evening gown for a wedding party. Make sure to have a good quality dress that looks chic and elegant. Not those dresses you bought cheaply from an online store overseas! Quality matters, ladies.
6. Dishes that match
The random dishes that don’t match should stop by the time you finished college or university. It’s not cute to have multiple mugs and plates that have way too many colours, written all over them, and not a single thing match on the dining table. There are plenty of affordable matching dining sets in IKEA for example. It won’t break your bank!
7. Blazer or Power-suit
A tailored blazer and power suit would definitely boost up your confidence at work, for a job interview, and even for a business event and gathering. There’s something about a blazer that I love so much to wear because it looks cool and chic at the same time.
8. Good Quality Winter Coat
It’s time to ditch those polyester and bad quality winter coats that we probably bought in Chinatown for just $20 (speaking from experience). The older I got, I appreciated more of a ‘grown-up’ winter coat and I finally invested in a really good cashmere winter coat that not only keeps me warm but looks so damn good and professional!
9. Statement Jewellery
What I love from statement jewellery is that it can be minimalist or extravagant according to your style. And, It will always lift up an outfit from basic to elegant. Invest in good quality jewellery. This is one of my favourite things to have by the time you’re 30. Not only that we look chic wearing it, but we can also resell it in the future.
If you are similar to me with sensitive skin, you could only wear at least 22k gold plated jewellery, I have the answer for you to buy fake/affordable jewellery without breaking the bank. Click here to see how to prevent jewellery from tarnishing.
10. Crisp White T-Shirt and Shirt
I was guilty of buying cheap white shirts and T-shirts that don’t even last long. Some brands just can’t handle being washed more than 5 times. Invest in a good quality white T-shirt and shirts, you’ll see the difference!
11. Proper Cleaning Products and Tools
If your apartment or house has a carpet and rug, make sure you have a good vacuum cleaner. (ahem! DYSON!) If you have hardwood floors, make sure to have the right products to keep your hardwood floors in a good shape. Know which products are good for your marble/granite kitchen island, and know which products to get to clean the gutter and grouts.
12. Skincare Routine
I remember Michelle Phan said to start using anti-aging skincare such as retinol or retinoid by the time you are 25. As much as people say, ‘Asian don’t Raisin‘ and ‘Asian don’t Age’. A good skincare routine is a must to have to make our skin feels amazing and youthful. To be honest, I am still struggling with this with my sensitive skin but I do feel much better now in my 30s than in my 20s!
13. Table Manner Knowledge
It bothers me to say this but I have noticed some people have no table manner knowledge even though they came from a respectable family and have higher education. It’s good to have a proper manner, general knowledge, and know which utensils to use and what not to do. For example in Asian culture, It’s a big no to stab your chopsticks into a bowl of rice. In Western culture, you don’t wear a napkin on your neck like a cartoon character and chew loudly.
14. Signature Dish
Why a signature dish? One day you will be invited to a potluck gathering with your friends or by your future husband’s family. In some cases, just to cook a meal for that guy you have a crush on. People say the way to win a man’s heart is through his stomach. Have a signature dish to impress them!
15. Side Hustle
One of the Things To Have By The Time You’re 30 is an early investment in your 20s. It’s great to have multiple sources of income at 30. It could be a side business of selling things online, it could be a freelance job of skills you have and it could be an investment stock. Try to manage your time well to be able to manage those side businesses. We all want to be rich!
16. Proper cookware
Similar to what I have written above, it’s time to have proper cookware that will last until you have grandchildren. When I was in my early 20s as a broke-ass International student, I used to buy a ramen pot from Daiso because it was only $2.80 and some saucepan from Kmart for just $16. Then, in my mid-20s, I started to buy proper cookware and have never looked back to those supermarket-quality pots and pans.
17. Sports as Social Skills
Things To Have By The Time You’re 30 is could be a skill. This is may not for everyone. But, having sports as social skills is very important. Whether is basketball, tennis, golf, or running, it would be an advantage in network gathering and the local community. Not only we can have fun and be fit at the same time, but also we would be able to gain more friends, a network for future clients and business vendors.
18. Toolbox
As independent women, we need to know how to use the essentials and have them in our cabinets. The essentials such as a screwdriver, hammer, a power drill, variation of nails, and pliers. You never know when you will need them.
19. Investment Furniture
Whether it’s a dining table, a sofa, a buffet table, a console table, a bed frame, and a set of bedside tables. You need to have at least one of those that you will bring with you when you move out. A piece of furniture with good quality fabric, wood, and detail finishes that will last. To this day, I still have my grandpa’s tall drawer, my dad’s side table, and my good-quality bedframe. It lasts so long, I never have to buy a new one.
20. A Guy
No, not a boyfriend or husband or a fuck buddy to call every time you are horny. Just a ‘guy’ to call when we need something to be done properly. My mum taught me that we need to know our local community to know who to find. For example, have a broken AC? no worries, we know a guy to fix it. Have a burst pipe? Oh, we know a good plumber. I have a guy for everything that will make my life easier; (from a gardener, a handyman, to a gutter cleaner).
21. Sturdy Laundry Basket
Are you familiar with the flimsy mesh foldable laundry basket we can get for just $2 from a dollar store? yes, throw that away! I was guilty to actually buy that when I was 18 and finally upgraded to IKEA $5 laundry basket in my early 20s. But then, my taste has changed and I have a proper gold-plated laundry basket that is also multifunctional as a sofa throw basket and storage in the cabinet. (and it’s also my own product from Harriet & Co)
22. High Quality Luggage
If you travel often, this is a total necessity. Even if you only travel occasionally, it’s worth having reliable luggage that can hold a lot and safe. Say goodbye to old luggage that doesn’t support TSA! My recommendation would be LOJEL, I personally like their technology, 10 warranty, affordable and the eye-catching colours. You can definitely spot your luggage from the luggage belt miles away.
23. Sturdy Clothes Hangers
Say goodbye to the wire and plastic hangers from the dollar store and dry cleaners. Invest in a set of wooden, or gold-plated, or metal clothes hangers.
If I could, I would write more Things To Have By The Time You’re 30. However, I can’t think of anything essentials right now. Maybe a routine schedule to check up at the dentist? A therapist for our mental health? Or a good quality towel? Well, Everyone is different. I hope you enjoy what I have written. Those links are not affiliated links, just simply a recommendation and things I had and got based on my experiences.
Image source: Pinterest